Synthesis and Advanced Characterization of Nanocomposites and Bioinspired Materials

Synthesis and Advanced Characterization of Nanocomposites and Bioinspired Materials

The research of this group focuses on: * Synthesis of nanopowders by using hydrothermal synthesis techniques (conventional and through microwaves), coprecipitation and sol-gel, including their morphological, textural and structural identification. * Consolidation of nanopowders into dense nanostructured materials and characterization of the physical properties (mechanical, optical, electrical...) of such materials. * Precise characterization of the materials' structure using advanced X-ray diffraction techniques

Main specialization



This group is focused on the study of tectonic processes at all levels, by integrating geological and geophysical data, in order to obtain parameters that can be used in the analysis and assessment of hazard and seismic risk in different geodynamic environments.

Main specialization

Space Geodesy, Gravimetry and Geomathematics

Space Geodesy, Gravimetry and Geomathematics

The group consists mainly of 3 staff researchers of IGEO (2 CSIC and 1 UCM), more personal in formation and numerous national and international collaborations that are stable. They are experts in geodesy, gravimetry, geology, statistics and operational research. Its research focuses on: space geodesy, remote sensing and positioning systems, geodetic monitoring of natural and man-made hazards types, mathematical models in geodesy, and determination of crustal structure. It has 9 projects in development (5 national, 1 the EU and 3 from Space Agencies).

Main specialization

Gravimetry, Tides and Geodynamics

Gravimetry, Tides and Geodynamics

The group carries out research within the fields of Geodesy and Gravimetry. Practical applications are mainly located at the Canary Islands. -Research fields: Earth tides and ocean tidal loading, with applications for studying of the elasticity of the Earth’s crust. Deformations of the Earth’s crust using geodetic control networks and continuous gravity measurements. Time series analysis and study disturbing effects on terrestrial geodetic measurements.

Main specialization

Group of Terrestrial Planets Atmospheres

Group of Terrestrial Planets Atmospheres

The GAPT (, has a long tradition on the study of the planetary atmospheres by analyzing their IR non-LTE emissions. We have participated in many space missions since the early 90's, as SAMS, ATMOS, ISAMS, and CLAES. More recently we have been Co-Is of the TIMED/SABER of NASA, Vex/VIRTIS, ETGO/NOMAD, and members of the SAG and QWG of Envisat/MIPAS. We are experts in non-LTE radiative transfer, in retrievals of temperature and composition from non-LTE IR emissions, and in the physics and chemistry of the middle and upper regions of planetary atmospheres.

Main specialization

Physics of the Earth's interior: Simulation, modelling and Observation (PESO)

Physics of the Earth's interior: Simulation, modelling and Observation (PESO)

A multidisciplinary research group consisting of physicists, chemists, geologists and mathematicians that exploits its transversal nature to investigate the Earth’s complex internal processes – from the dynamic lithosphere to the inner core. The group currently includes eight permanent IGEO members, along with technicians, pre-doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers. Its investigations are centred on palaeomagnetism, lithospheric structure and modeling, seismology and seismotectonics, geomagnetic field modeling and core structure and modeling.

Main specialization

Physics of climate and climate change

Physics of climate and climate change

The mission of the group is to improve the understanding of the climate system, its evolution, impacts, and the mechanisms responsible for climate variability and change at different temporal and spatial scales, with the vision of advancing in the multiple dimensions of climate change and contributing to the current challenges of society. Its main objective is to provide an integrated view of the physical functioning of the climate system and to improve the quantification of past, present and future climate changes and the explanation of their causes.

Main specialization

Ultrasonic Systems and Technologies (USTG)

Ultrasonic Systems and Technologies (USTG)

Formed by specialists in ultrasonic systems and technologies, and related physics (materials, transduction, propagation, diffraction), and medical and industrial application. Integra, today, 8 researchers, 1 technician, 1 contracted FPI and two predocs.

Main specialization

Structure of Macromolecular Assemblies

Structure of Macromolecular Assemblies

Our group aims to unveil the structure of cellular machines to gain mechanistic insight into macromolecular function and assist the development of biomedical applications. For this, we use electron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM) and X-ray crystallography, both providing information to atomic resolution, combined with other biophysical and biochemical techniques. This integrative methodology is applied to study essential cell processes such as genome transcription, DNA repair and bacterial cell division.

Main specialization