Multichannel Ultrasonic Signal Processing. MUSP

Multichannel Ultrasonic Signal Processing. MUSP

MUSP Group focuses its research activity on the development of techniques for analyzing large signal flows as well as large signal sets. Its principal application field is the ultrasonic imaging for Nondestructive Evaluation and Medicine. - Beamforming techniques - Parallel signal processing - Real-time signal processing - Simulation of physic processes

Main specialization

G-CARMA: Materials Characterization by Non Destructive Evaluation

G-CARMA: Materials Characterization by Non Destructive Evaluation

The research group is composed of a Tenured Scientist, a Senior Research Scientist, 1 Postdoctoral, 1 technical personal and 1 Postdoctoral Researcher (with permission to collaborate). The research group is multidisciplinary including physics, mathematics and engineering. The group's main line of research is non-destructive evaluation, NDT, of materials and structures. The research group are focused on: - Material characterization during the manufacturing process and during its lifetime.

Main specialization

Peri-Gondwanan marine Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic

Peri-Gondwanan marine Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic

Studies on Stratigraphy and Paleontology as contributors to the basin analysis of peri-Gondwanan Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic shelves, from the original paleocontinental configuration to its final collision with Laurussia.

Main specialization

Sedimentary Systems and Climate Variability

Sedimentary Systems and Climate Variability

The Sedimentary Systems and Climate Variability Group aims to obtain paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental information from the sedimentary rock record.

Main specialization



The researching activity of the Group focusses on the study of the properties, behaviour and formation conditions of mineral matter, and in the characterization, evaluation and modellization of mineral deposits. More specifically, our research includes: 1. The experimental study of physico-chemical and crystallographycal parameters involved in the formation of minerals, their properties and features as environmentally relevant materials. 2.

Main specialization



Our investigation focuses on the study of the structural features and the reactivity of mineral surfaces with geochemical and environmental interest. Such an investigation is mainly carried out by conducting experiments in the fluid cell of an Atomic Force Microscope. The main topics of our interest are: - Mineral surfaces observed with atomic resolution in liquids. -          Molecular-scale crystal growth mechanisms. -          Mechanisms of epitaxial growth -          Effect of inorganic and organic impurities on crystal growth.

Main specialization

Selective Oxidation Catalysts and Processes (Selective Oxidation Group, SELOXI)

Selective Oxidation Catalysts and Processes (Selective Oxidation Group, SELOXI)

Since almost 30 years, the Group is devoted to the preparation and characterization of catalysts, studies of kinetics and mechanisms of selective oxidation catalytic reactions and their applications, combustion and reforming, such as: oxidative activation of light alkanes with different types of mixed, nanostructured and mesoporous (with redox properties) oxides; catalytic combustion using perovskites; selective oxidation by unconventional oxidants (CO2, H2+O2); technological research of novel selective oxidation reactions for industry; and reforming of renewable raw materials.

Main specialization

Advanced uses of Ecomaterials from the agricultural industry

Advanced uses of Ecomaterials from the agricultural industry

Agricultural residues are being used as Renewable Raw Materiales (RRM) for use in a wide variety of projects. Given their origen, these materials are economically very competitve with the conventionally used synthetic materials and also help to close a circle where the residues produced from one industry can be used in the same or another as a RRM, thus reducing the amount of waste and helping towards a sustainable economy.

Main specialization

Farm Animal Genomics

Farm Animal Genomics

Analysis of the genomic variability in domestic animals. Unraveling the genetic architecture of complex traits.

Main specialization



The activity of the Group includes the monitoring and analysis of the variability of the Earth's ionosphere and geomagnetic field as well as the study of the water cycle and climate change impacts on Mediterranean water systems.

Main specialization