Ferroelectric Oxides for Energy and Memory Devices (FOXEM)

Ferroelectric Oxides for Energy and Memory Devices (FOXEM)

Ferroelectric oxide films for energy and memory devices group (FOXEM) aims to develop high quality new ferroelectric materials compatible with industry to study their properties from a fundamental to a device level. Electronics Industry is facing several bottlenecks to sustain the increasing demand and necessity of new data storage, computation and communication devices. New materials are needed and CMOS-compatible ferroelectrics based in HfO2 are in the spotlight.

Main specialization

Food Proteins and Immunonutrition (PROT-IN)

Food Proteins and Immunonutrition (PROT-IN)

The group works on obtaining and characterizing bioactive food compounds, mainly proteins and peptides, from by-products and products of the agri-food industry and studying their effect on the immune system, including their nutritional and health value. We have extensive experience in the development of enzymatic hydrolysis processes both at laboratory and pilot plant scale, we perform studies of functionality, bioavailability and bioactivity through cell culture assays and in vivo assays (animal models and clinical trials).

Main specialization

Marine Megafauna (MegaMAR)

Marine Megafauna (MegaMAR)

Group dedicated to the research of marine megafauna: mammals, turtles and seabirds, elasmobranchs, and large pelagic fish. We conduct both basic and applied research for species management with conservation purposes across a wide range of fields such as population biology and distribution, trophic ecology and behavior, bioacoustics, and biologging. We provide regional, national, and international consultancy on species conservation and anthropogenic impacts, including interactions with fisheries, acoustic pollution, and more. Group Leader: Joan Giménez (CO Málaga). Canary Islands Team Coord

Main specialization

Cognition, neural networks and neurotechnology

Cognition, neural networks and neurotechnology

The Cognition, neural networks and neurotechnology laboratory (www.puiglab.org) investigates how neural networks encode cognition and whether they can be useful biomarkers of cognitive impairment in psychiatric and neurological disorders. We also collaborate to develop state-of-the-art neural devices based on graphene for the simultaneous recording and stimulation of brain tissue. Finally, we are also helping develop new light-activated drugs with potential to advance new technologies in photomedicine.

Main specialization

Epigenetics and Metabolism

Epigenetics and Metabolism

Modifications of the chromatin fibre, such as the methylation of DNA or the acetylation of histones, are commonly referred to as epigenetic marks. These marks are understood as a way of storing information – of ‘bookmarking’ the genome so the cell remembers which genes to read. However, these processes are intimately tied to metabolism, as they both consume and produce metabolites which tie in to the wider metabolic network of the cell.

Main specialization

Digital technologies, sensory analysis, meat and derivatives (DIGISEN)

Digital technologies, sensory analysis, meat and derivatives (DIGISEN)

DIGISEN is a research group born with the purpose of implementing emerging digital technologies in the field of food research. These technologies will be primarily used as a support tool for sensory and consumer analysis techniques in the development of more sustainable and healthier meat and derivative products, but with the idea of also using them in other areas (such as characterization or safety) and products (not only meat and derivatives). Within these digital technologies are Industry 4.0 technologies such as mixed reality, biometric devices, or complex data analysis.

Main specialization

Pathology and pathogenesis of infectious animal and zoonotic diseases

Pathology and pathogenesis of infectious animal and zoonotic diseases

Our research line is mainly focused on the study and characterisation of macroscopic and histopathological lesions, pathogenic mechanisms, inflammatory and immune response in animal infectious diseases, with special attention to emerging and re-emerging diseases that may affect production and free-living animals such as African swine fever or bluetongue, and zoonoses with public health implications such as Rift Valley fever or SARS-CoV-2.

Main specialization