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White Paper 13: Ocean Science Challenges For 2030

Year :2021
ISBN: 978-84-00-10762-8
Editorial: -
Authors: Jesús Marco de Lucas;M. Victoria Moreno-Arribas;Ananda Pascual;Diego Macías;Joaquín Tintoré;Antonio Turiel;Joaquim Ballabrera;Carmen G. Castro;Núria Marbà;Marta Coll;Jordi Dachs;I. Emma Huertas; all

ISBN: 978-84-00-10967-7
Editorial: -
Book: The ocean we want: inclusive and transformative ocean science
Initial page: 133 | End page: 135
Authors: Hoareau, N.;Emilianov, M.;Ballabrera, J.;Gabarró, C.;González-Gambau, V.;Lloret, M.;Olmedo, E.;Portabella, M.;Salat, J.;Salvador, J.;Umbert, M.;Turiel, A.

ISBN: 978-92-9221-250-6
Editorial: ESA Comunications
Book: Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium
Initial page: , | End page: ,
Authors: J. Ballabrera;J. Gourrion;A. Turiel;A.L. Aretxabaleta;B. Mourre;S. Kalaroni;N. Hoareau