The ASF-WOAH-ELISA for African swine fever antibody detection, is included in the WOAH Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals. The ASF-WOAH-ELISA includes:
1 vial /0.5 ml of semipurified antigen (ASF-Ag),
¿ 1 vial of ASF-CP (1 ml), 1 vial of ASF-CL (1 ml),
¿ 1 vial of ASF-CN (1 ml),
¿ 1 vial of HRP labelled Protein A (1mg) (commercial)
¿ 120 ELISA plate (commercial)
Reference material has been inactivated by heat treatment at 56°C for 70 minutes followed by lyophilization. The number of determinations is 8,000, taking into consideration the working dilutions according are described in the ASF Chapter 3.9.1 of the WOAH-Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vacccines for Terrestrial Animals.
Transport costs are not included in the catalogue prices, and it will be increased in case of need.
Provision to ASF National Reference Laboratories and collaborations with Autorithed National or International organisms and institutions

Precio (Otros)
Prestación de servicio
Virología: diagnóstico, inmunología y epidemiología
Laboratorios Internacionales de Referencia de Peste Porcina Africana