Science Week

In many regions, the Science and Technology Week is the most important scientific outreach initiative. Since 2001 it has been organised on a national basis with the aim of bringing science closer to the public of all ages to stimulate a taste for scientific knowledge and encourage citizens participation in scientific issues by conducting outreach activities in museums, universities, research centres, technology parks, etc.

Its main feature is that the institutions and the research centres open their doors during two weeks so that the public can find out about the latest developments in science and the main lines of research that scientists are pursuing. The Week gives the public access to the spaces where scientific knowledge is generated, bringing them into direct contact with laboratories and researchers. A whole range of formats are possible: workshops, exhibitions, guided tours and open days, meetings between young people and researchers, science cafés, debates, lectures, shows, etc.


Science Week has its roots in France, when in 1991, Hubert Curien, French Minister of Research, decided to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Ministry by opening its gardens to the public for the first time. This local event, which aimed to bring science to the citizens of Paris, was the precursor of Sciences en fête (later Fête de la Science) which became an annual national event. Since 1993, the European Week of Science has been held annually.


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