[FPU2019] Red de interacción entre humanos y mosquitos vectores

[FPU2019] Red de interacción entre humanos y mosquitos vectores

This project will use mobile phone positioning, DNA fingerprinting, and citizen science, combined with traditional socio-demographic methods to trace the host-vector biting networks through which mosquitoborne diseases flow and illuminate the behavioural, socio-demographic, and environmental mechanisms that shape these networks in a spatially explicit manner.

[FPU2019] Ecología teórica y Computacional

[FPU2019] Ecología teórica y Computacional

Our vision is to establish a Versatile forecasting, nowcasting, and tracking system (VEO) serving as an interactive observatory for the generation and distribution of high quality actionable information for evidence-based early warning, risk assessment and monitoring of Emerging InfectiouOur s Diseases and Antimicrobial resistance by public health actors and researchers in the One-Health domain.VEO will be built by an iterative process between data science and technology experts, disease experts from public health and academia, social scientists, and citizen scientists.