Ignacio Bolívar y Urrutia


His field of specialisation was entomology, particularly of Iberian Orthoptera fauna. In 1877 he took up the Chair of Entomology at the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Central de Madrid, where he later became Dean (1904-1909).

He was mainly active in two areas: zoology and education policy. In the first, his numerous publications and the identification of several hundred species stand out, as does his work managing the two of the cornerstones of Spanish science: the National Museum of Natural History (1901-1939) and the Royal Botanic Gardens (1921 -30). His activity in education policy included his role on the Council of Public Instruction, a body he chaired between 1930 and 1931. This same concern led to his involvement in the Board for Advanced Studies (JAE), first as a board member (1907) and later as Vice President (1918).

After the death of Cajal he held the interim Presidency of the Board for Advanced Studies, and he was confirmed in the position on 22 June 1935. He remained in office until the end of the Spanish Civil War.

In 1939 he was forced into exile in Mexico, accompanied by several of his colleagues. There he continued his scientific work through two initiatives: the creation of the Spanish Association of University Professors in Exile and, in particular, with the journal Ciencia.

He belonged to various Spanish and international scientific bodies, including: the Royal Spanish Society of Natural History; the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences (1915), and the Royal Spanish Academy (1931).

He was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.


Presidente JAE