On a family of α′-corrected solutions of the Heterotic Superstring effective action
Yang–Mills instantons in Kähler spaces with one holomorphic isometry
α ′-corrected black holes in String Theory
Supersymmetric solutions of the cosmological, gauged, ℂ magic model
On gauged maximal d = 8 supergravities
A gravitating Yang-Mills instanton
Supersymmetric solutions of SU(2)-Fayet–Iliopoulos-gauged N=2, d = 4 supergravity
On timelike supersymmetric solutions of gauged minimal 5-dimensional supergravity
Non-perturbative decay of non-Abelian hair
Dyonic black holes at arbitrary locations
Non-Abelian black holes in string theory
Higher order gravities and the Strong Equivalence Principle
Non-Abelian, supersymmetric black holes and strings in 5 dimensions
Non-Abelian black string solutions of N = (2,0), d = 6 supergravity
Three Lectures on the FGK Formalism and Beyond
The tensor hierarchy of 8-dimensional field theories
(Formula presented.)super-EYM coloured black holes from defective Lax matrices
Resolution of SU(2) monopole singularities by oxidation
Tensor gauge fields of N=8 supergravity
N=2 Einstein-Yang-Mills¿ static two-center solutions
Black holes and equivariant charge vectors in N=2, d = 4 supergravity
Black-hole solutions of N=2, d=4 supergravity with a quantum correction, in the H-FGK formalism
The Freudenthal gauge symmetry of the black holes of N = 2, d = 4 supergravity
Lifshitz-like solutions with hyperscaling violation in ungauged supergravity
New E<inf>7(7)</inf> invariants and amplitudes
Supersymmetric black holes of N=8 supergravity
Non-Extremal Black Holes of N=2,d=5 Supergravity
On supersymmetric Lorentzian Einstein-Weyl spaces
Born-Infeld theory with higher derivatives
H-FGK formalism for black-hole solutions of N=2, d=4 and d=5 supergravity
The FGK formalism for black p-branes in d dimensions
A note on the hidden conformal structure of non-extremal black holes
Non-extremal black holes in Supergravity and String Theory
From supersymmetric to non-supersymmetric black holes
Maximal nine dimensional supergravity, general gaugings and the embedding tensor
Black Holes in Supergravity and Superstring Theories
Black holes and black strings of N¿=¿2, d¿=¿5 supergravity in the H-FGK formalism
Supersymmetric solutions to gauged N=2 d=4 SUGRA: the full timelike shebang
A simple derivation of supersymmetric extremal black-hole attractors
The general gaugings of maximal d=9 supergravity
Non-extremal black holes of N=2, d=4 supergravity
Ultracold spherical horizons in gauged N=1, d=4 supergravity
The tensor hierarchies of pure N = 2, d = 4, 5, 6 supergravities
Supersymmetric solutions of 4-dimensional supergravities
Domain walls and instantons in N=1, d=4 supergravity
IIA/IIB supergravity and ten-forms
All the timelike supersymmetric solutions of all ungauged d = 4 supergravities
The supersymmetric tensor hierarchy of N = 1, d = 4 supergravity
Gauge theories, duality relations and the tensor hierarchy
Supersymmetric non-Abelian black holes and monopoles in Einstein-Yang-Mills SUGRAs
Tensor hierarchies of 5- and 6-dimensional field theories
Supersymmetric N=2 Einstein-Yang-Mills monopoles and covariant attractors
The supersymmetric solutions and extensions of ungauged matter-coupled N = 1, d = 4 supergravity
N = 2 Einstein-Yang-Mills's BPS solutions
Stringy cosmic strings in matter coupled N = 2, d = 4 supergravity
Characterization of all the supersymmetric solutions of gauged N = 1, D = 5 supergravity
SL(2, ℝ)-invariant IIB brane actions
All the supersymmetric solutions of N ≤ 1,d ≤ 5 ungauged supergravity
Supersymmetry and cosmic censorship
Seven-branes and supersymmetry
Supersymmetric solutions of N = 2, D = 4 SUGRA: The whole ungauged shebang
The supersymmetric vistas of the supergravity landscape
IIA ten-forms and the gauge algebras of maximal supergravity theories
Supersymmetry and the Supergravity Landscape
The supersymmetric configurations of N=2, d=4 supergravity coupled to vector supermultiplets
Supersymmetry, attractors and cosmic censorship
A note on simple applications of the Killing spinor identities
All the supersymmetric configurations of N = 4, d = 4 supergravity
A note on supersymmetric Gödel black holes, strings and rings of minimal d = 5 supergravity
Gödel spacetimes, Abelian instantons, the graviphoton background and other flacuum solutions
The Bianchi classification of maximal D = 8 gauged supergravities
Domain walls of D = 8 gauged supergravities and their D = 11 origin
Gauged/massive supergravities in diverse dimensions
On d = 4, 5, 6 vacua with eight supercharges
On d = 4, 5, 6 vacua with eight supercharges
Geometric construction of Killing spinors and supersymmetry algebras in homogeneous spacetimes
7-branes and higher Kaluza-Klein branes
Type-0 T duality and the tachyon coupling
New formulations of D = 10 supersymmetry and D8-O8 domain walls
Supersymmetry of topological Kerr-Newman-Taub- NUT-adS spacetimes
The general, duality-invariant family of non-BPS black-hole solutions of N = 4, d = 4 supergravity
The D8-brane tied up: string and brane solutions in massive type IIA supergravity
String representation of Wilson loops
An Sl(2, Z) multiplet of nine-dimensional type II supergravity theories
The super D9-brane and its truncations
An Sl(2, z) multiplet of nine-dimensional type II supergravity theories
String representation of Wilson loops
Extremality versus supersymmetry in stringy black holes
Massive and massless supersymmetric black holes
κ-symmetry, supersymmetry and intersecting branes
A note on the D-2-brane of the massive type IIA theory and gauged sigma models
Transformation of black-hole hair under duality and supersymmetry
K-symmetry, supersymmetry and intersecting branes
Transformation of black-hole hair under duality and supersymmetry
Kaluza-Klein monopoles and gauged sigma-models
Kaluza-Klein monopoles and gauged sigma-models
Massless String Theory Black Holes as Black Diholes and Quadruholes
Supersymmetric black holes in N = 8 supergravity
S duality and dyonic p-brane solutions in type II string theory
Solution-generating transformations and the string effective action
A non-supersymmetric dyonic extreme Reissner-Nordström black hole
Stationary axion/dilaton solutions and supersymmetry
The eleven-dimensional five-brane
Fermion zero modes and the black-hole hypermultiplet with rigid supersymmetry
Duality in the type-II superstring effective action
Time-symmetric initial data sets in four-dimensional dilaton gravity
Duality versus supersymmetry and compactification
SL(2,R)-duality covariance of Killing spinors in axion-dilaton black holes
Black-hole¿wave duality in string theory
Exact SU(2)×U(1) stringy black holes
Supersymmetry and stationary solutions in dilaton-axion gravity
Entropy and action of dilaton black holes
Charge quantization of axion-dilaton black holes
Electric-magnetic duality and supersymmetry in stringy black holes
The genus-two heterotic string cosmological constant
Supersymmetry as a cosmic censor
Critical behavior of heterotic strings to all orders in string perturbation theory
Critical temperature for interacting bosonic strings