Antiparasitic effects of potentially toxic beetles (Tenebrionidae and Meloidae) from steppe zones
Avian scavengers as bioindicators of antibiotic resistance due to livestock farming intensification
Shifts in crane migration phenology associated with climate change in southwestern Europe
A simple strategy for improving bird sexing from highly degraded DNA samples
Feeding functional responses in a sexually size-dimorphic bird
Sexual size dimorphism in the Common Crane, a monogamous, plumage-monomorphic bird
Learning and Reciprocity in Coal Tits Playing the Prisoner's Dilemma
Dietary divergence in the most sexually size-dimorphic bird
Allometric deviations of plasma carotenoids in raptors
Males of a strongly polygynous species consume more poisonous food than females
Hole selection by nesting swifts in medieval city-walls of central Spain
Faecal sexual steroids in sex typing and endocrine status of great bustards
Factors Influencing Daily Food-Intake Patterns in Birds: A Case Study with Wintering Common Cranes
Daily routines of body mass gain in birds: 1. An exponential model
Daily routines of body mass gain in birds: 2. An experiment with reduced food availability
Effect of weekend road traffic on the use of space by raptors
Family-based territoriality vs flocking in wintering common cranes Grus grus
Modelling state-dependent interference in common cranes
Risk-sensitive foraging in coal tits
To walk or to fly? How birds choose among foraging modes
Coal tits increase evening body mass in response to tawny owl calls
A bibliometric review of the recent literature in ornithology
Foraging site displacement in common crane flocks
Optimal foraging and beyond: How starlings cope with changes in food availability
Dominance and the dynamics of phenotype-limited distribution in common cranes
A field test of ideal free distribution in flock-feeding common cranes
Patch use in cranes: A field test of optimal foraging predictions
Carrying capacity of staging areas and facultative migration extension in common cranes
Blood values of common cranes (Grus grus) by age and season
A 20-year study of wintering Common Crane fluctuations using time series analysis
Nest-site selection and nesting success in the azure-winged magpie in central spain
Spring Crane Grus grus migration through Gallocanta Spain I. Daily variations in migration volume.
Breeding success of azure-winged magpies Cyanopica cyana in central Spain
Optimización del comportamiento
Estrategias para administrar las reservas de grasa: cambios diarios en el peso de las pequeñas aves.
Molecular description of gastrointestinal helminths of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) in two areas of the Iberian Peninsula
Estudio del potencial antiparasitario de la dieta de la Avutarda Común
Supervivencia de los juveniles de Grulla Común medida en España
Análisis del efecto antiparasitario de la dieta de la avutarda y su potencial para la automedicación y la conservación
Automedicación en avutarda: implicaciones en la conservación de la especie dentro de los Espacios Naturales Protegidos de España
Influence of changes in abiotic conditions on the migration phenology of Common Cranes in south-western Europe
An elementary estimation of the survival of common cranes with the Euring database
Citizen science provides promising results on apparent survival and migration timing of common cranes in Gallocanta, a stopover and wintering site
Thirty years of crane colour-banding in Europe: overview and perspectives
What do we know about survival of Common cranes? An elementary introduction with Euring databank
A weak version of the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma is enough to defeat a coal tit
Animal self-medication in great bustards and other species
Self-medication in birds: the diet of great bustards as an example
Automedicación en animales
The role of dietary niche divergence in the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in birds
¿Existe relación entre divergencia en dieta y dimorfismo sexual en tamaño en aves?
¿Qué sentido tiene el vuelo colonial de los vencejos?
Estimación del tamaño de una población de vencejos: ¿es un factor determinante la cantidad de cavidades?
Resistencias a antibióticos en aves carroñeras
Agri-environmental schemes: Conserving and improving habitat quality in Mediterranean farmland ecosystems
Tú... ¿y cuántos más? Estimas poblacionales y selección de hábitat en los carriceros común y tordal.
Diferencias sexuales en el área de campeo invernal de la avutarda común (Otis tarda)
Dieta de la avutarda común Otis tarda L. en el centro peninsular: diferencias sexuales y estacionales.
Resultados preliminares en la selección de hábitat de los carriceros común y tordal: ¿la ley del más fuerte?
Updating information while keeping fit
Diferencias sexuales en la dieta animal de la avutarda común Otis tarda L.
Selección invernal de terrenos de alimentación en la Avutarda Común Otis tarda
Selección invernal de terrenos de alimentación en la avutarda común Otis tarda
Nesting area selection by Great Bustards (Otis tarda) in central Spain
Rutinas diarias de alimentación en pequeñas aves
Decisiones inmediatas e irracionalidad en el comportamiento trófico
Modelos de interferencia en aves gregarias: el caso de la Grulla Común
Effect of a large public work (water pipe) on a pair of Spanish Imperial Eagles (Aquila adalberti)
Do raptors take weekend breaks? a possible effect of weekend road traffic on raptor counts"
Selection of hunting area by a pair of Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti) as related to European Rabbit (Oryctofagus cuniculus) density in SW Madrid, Central Spain
Análisis preliminar del estatus del sisón en Castilla-La Mancha y posibilidades de programas agroambientales de conservación
Incidencia de las obras de construcción del trasvase Picadas-aldea del Fresno sobre una pareja de Águila Imperial
La sensibilidad al riesgo en carboneros garrapinos Parus ater.
Simulations on a common crane (Grus grus) population model