Tipo de expresión:
Doctorado: Propuesta de dirección de tesis doctoral/temática para solicitar ayuda predoctoral ("Hosting Offer o EoI")

Ciencias agrarias y agroalimentarias


Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores (antiguas FPI)


Centro o Instituto:


Palabras clave:
barley, pangenomics, breeding, adaptation, Mediterranean

Documentos anexos:

PRE2023-Genetics and pangenomics for Mediterranean barley adaptation to abiotic stress, pre-breeding and breeding-PID2022-142116OB-I00

We offer a 4-year FPI PhD contract at EEAD-CSIC to help you develop your skill set in computational and plant biology and breeding. Your supervisors will be Bruno Contreras Moreira and Ana M Casas. The offer includes salary for the 4 years, university fees, funding for short research stays and national health insurance. This contract is an excellent opportunity for students seeking to advance in the use of genomics approaches to study natural genetic diversity and gene function. The research involves experimentation with plants in the field and greenhouse, wet lab and bioinformatics. It will be carried out with barley, a species of high economic and social interest for our country, but the skills learned will be transferable to any species. Check out our GitHub and our blog for more info. Track record: 7 people completed PhDs with us in the last 10 years, 5 remain in academia and 2 work in the industry. Candidates must have a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree related to Biology or Agronomy and ideally some experience in writing code and data analysis. The work plan has three goals: Construction of a Mediterranean barley pangenome. This will require genomic data analysis in the Linux command-line, R and Python programming and data analysis. This will be done in collaboration with Agostino Fricano (CREA, Italy). Discovery of gene expression signatures of Mediterranean barleys. This will require preparation of RNA samples and analysis of sequenced trans
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