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Tipo de expresión:
Doctorado: Propuesta de dirección de tesis con contrato predoctoral ("Job Offer" u "Oferta de Empleo)



Bolsa de Trabajo: Contrato predoctoral


Centro o Instituto:

Palabras clave:
GPCRs, Parkinson Disease, Medicinal chemistry

Documentos anexos:

JAEPRE23 - 33 Unravelling the therapeutic potential of the orphan receptor GPR12 in Parkinsons disease

We are looking for highly motivated PhD candidates interested in developing a thesis project within the "Cannabinoid and PPAR Modulators" group at IQM-CSIC, through a 3-year contract associated with the JAE-PRE program (JAEPRE23-33). The selected PhD fellow will work on the project "Unraveling the Therapeutic Potential of the Orphan Receptor GPR12 in Parkinson’s Disease" (PID2022-139197OA-I00). This research aims to identify modulators of the orphan receptor GPR12 and assess their potential in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Due to the nature of this project, the candidate will gain multidisciplinary research skills. The PhD student will receive complete training, particularly in organic chemistry, molecular modeling, pharmacological assays, and neuroscience. They will also be encouraged to undertake short research stays in other labs to broaden their expertise. > Applicants must hold a bachelor’s and master’s degree (totaling at least 300 ECTS) in life or biomedical sciences, with a preference for backgrounds in Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, or a double degree in Chemistry-Biochemistry. Prior research experience in drug discovery, medicinal chemistry, and/or neuroscience will be highly valued. Strong communication skills in English are essential. > Interested candidates should send their CV and a motivation letter to Paula Morales ( by October 15, 2024. The contract is expected to begin by the end of 202
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