imagen por defecto

Morphological transition during prograde olivine growth formed by high-pressure dehydration of antigorite-serpentinite to chlorite-harzburgite in a subduction setting

2021 Lithos Volume: Initial page: - End page: -
Authors: Dilissen, N.;Hidas, K.;Garrido, C.J.;López Sánchez-Vizcaíno, V.;Kahl, W.A.

Interplay between melt infiltration and deformation in the deep lithospheric mantle (External Liguride ophiolite, North Italy)

2021 Lithos Volume: Initial page: - End page: -
Authors: Hidas, K.;Borghini, G.;Tommasi, A.;Zanetti, A.;Rampone, E.

Two Cenozoic Extensional Phases in Mallorca and Their Bearing on the Geodynamic Evolution of the Western Mediterranean

2021 Tectonics Volume: Initial page: - End page: -
Authors: Moragues, L.;Ruano, P.;Azañón, J.M.;Garrido, C.J.;Hidas, K.;Booth Rea, G.

Structural relationships between ultramylonite, pseudotachylyte and cataclasite in the East Pernambuco shear zone (Borborema Province, NE Brazil)

2021 Journal of Structural Geology Volume: Initial page: - End page: -
Authors: Viegas, G.;Hidas, K.;Castellan, P.

Metasomatism-induced wehrlite formation in the upper mantle beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin): Evidence from xenoliths

2020 Geoscience Frontiers Volume: Initial page: 943 End page: 964
Authors: Patkó, L.;Liptai, N.;Aradi, L.E.;Klébesz, R.;Sendula, E.;Bodnar, R.J.;Kovács, I.J.;Hidas, K.;Cesare, B.;Novák, A.;Trásy, B.;Szabó, C.

Late Cadomian rifting of the NW Gondwana margin and the reworking of Precambrian crust–evidence from bimodal magmatism in the early Paleozoic Moroccan Meseta

2020 International Geology Review Volume: Initial page: 2013 End page: 2036
Authors: Ouabid, M.;Garrido, C.J.;Ouali, H.;Harvey, J.;Hidas, K.;Marchesi, C.;Acosta-Vigil, A.;Dautria, J.M.;El Messbahi, H.;Román-Alpiste, M.J.

Brittle Deformation During Eclogitization of Early Paleozoic Blueschist

2020 Frontiers in Earth Sciences Volume: Initial page: - End page: -
Authors: Buka¿a, M.;Barnes, C.J.;Jeanneret, P.;Hidas, K.;Mazur, S.;Almqvist, B.S.G.;Ko¿mi¿ska, K.;Klonowska, I.;Šurka, J.;Majka, J.

The role of water and compression in the genesis of alkaline basalts: Inferences from the Carpathian-Pannonian region

2020 Lithos Volume: Initial page: - End page: -
Authors: Kovács, I.;Patkó, L.;Liptai, N.;Lange, T.P.;Taracsák, Z.;Cloetingh, S.A.P.L.;Török, K.;Király, E.;Karátson, D.;Biró, T.;Kiss, J.;Pálos, Z.;Aradi, L.E.;Falus, G.;Hidas, K.;Berkesi, M.;Koptev, A.;Novák, all

Geochemical evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Styrian Basin (Western Pannonian Basin)

2020 Lithos Volume: Initial page: - End page: -
Authors: Aradi, L.E.;Bali, E.;Patkó, L.;Hidas, K.;Kovács, I.J.;Zanetti, A.;Garrido, C.J.;Szabó, C.

Subduction metamorphism of serpentinite-hosted carbonates beyond antigorite-serpentinite dehydration (Nevado-Filábride Complex, Spain)

2019 Journal of Metamorphic Geology Volume: Initial page: 681 End page: 715
Authors: Menzel, M.D.;Garrido, C.J.;López Sánchez-Vizcaíno, V.;Hidas, K.;Marchesi, C.

Lithosphere tearing along STEP faults and synkinematic formation of lherzolite and wehrlite in the shallow subcontinental mantle

2019 Solid Earth Volume: Initial page: 1099 End page: 1121
Authors: Hidas, K.;Garrido, C.J.;Booth-Rea, G.;Marchesi, C.;Bodinier, J.L.;Dautria, J.M.;Louni-Hacini, A.;Azzouni-Sekkal, A.

Lateral and Vertical Heterogeneity in the Lithospheric Mantle at the Northern Margin of the Pannonian Basin Reconstructed From Peridotite Xenolith Microstructures

2019 Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth Volume: Initial page: - End page: -
Authors: Liptai, N.;Hidas, K.;Tommasi, A.;Patkó, L.;Kovács, I.J.;Griffin, W.L.;O'Reilly, S.Y.;Pearson, N.J.;Szabó, C.

Textural evolution during high-pressure dehydration of serpentinite to peridotite and its relation to stress orientations and kinematics of subducting slabs: Insights from the Almirez ultramafic massif

2018 Lithos Volume: Initial page: 470 End page: 489
Authors: Dilissen, N.;Hidas, K.;Garrido, C.J.;Kahl, W.A;López Sánchez-Vizcaíno, V.;Padrón-Navarta, J.A.

High-P metamorphism of rodingites during serpentinite dehydration (Cerro del Almirez, Southern Spain): Implications for the redox state in subduction zones

2018 Journal of Metamorphic Geology Volume: Initial page: 1141 End page: 1173
Authors: Laborda-López, C.;López-Sánchez-Vizcaíno, V.;Marchesi, C.;Gómez-Pugnaire, M.T.;Garrido, C.J.;Jabaloy-Sánchez, A.;Padrón-Navarta, J.A.;Hidas, K.

Genesis of ultra-high pressure garnet pyroxenites in orogenic peridotites and its bearing on the compositional heterogeneity of the Earth's mantle

2018 Geochimica et Cosmohimica Acta Volume: Initial page: 303 End page: 328
Authors: Varas-Reus, M.I.;Garrido, C.J.;Marchesi, C.;Bosch, D.;Hidas, K.

Carbonation of mantle peridotite by CO2-rich fluids: the formation of listvenites in the Advocate ophiolite complex (Newfoundland, Canada)

2018 Lithos Volume: Initial page: 238 End page: 261
Authors: Menzel, M.D.;Garrido, C.J.;López Sánchez-Vizcaíno, V.;Marchesi, C.;Hidas, K.;Escayola, M.P.;Delgado Huertas, A.

Zircon and apatite-bearing pyroxene hornblendite mantle xenolith from Hungary, Carpathian-Pannonian region

2018 Lithos Volume: Initial page: 19 End page: 32
Authors: Bali, E.;Hidas, K.;Guðfinnsson, G.H.;Kovács, Z.;Román-Alpiste, M.J.

Multi-stage evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the westernmost Mediterranean: Geochemical constraints from peridotite xenoliths in the eastern Betic Cordillera (SE Spain)

2017 Lithos Volume: Initial page: 75 End page: 89
Authors: Marchesi, C.;Konc, Z.;Garrido, C.J.;Bosch, D.;Hidas, K.;Varas-Reus, M.I.;Acosta-Vigil, A.

Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic systematics of crustal rocks from the western Betics (S. Spain): Implications for crustal recycling in the lithospheric mantle beneath the westernmost Mediterranean

2017 Lithos Volume: Initial page: 45 End page: 61
Authors: Varas-Reus, M.I.;Garrido, C.J.;Marchesi, C.;Bosch, D.;Acosta-Vigil, A.;Hidas, K.;Barich, A.;Booth-Rea, G.

Microstructural evolution during thermal annealing of ice-Ih

2017 Journal of Structural Geology Volume: Initial page: 31 End page: 44
Authors: Hidas, K.;Tommasi, A.;Mainprice, D.;Chauve, T.;Barou, F.;Montagnat, M.

Investigation of nucleation processes during dynamic recrystallization of ice using cryo-EBSD

2017 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume: Initial page: 20150345 End page: -
Authors: Chauve, T.;Montagnat, M.;Email Author, Barou, F.;Hidas, K.;Tommasi, A.;Mainprice, D.

Fluid-Enhanced Annealing in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Beneath the Westernmost Margin of the Carpathian-Pannonian Extensional Basin System

2017 Tectonics Volume: Initial page: 2987 End page: 3011
Authors: Aradi, L. E.;Hidas, K.;Kovacs, I. J.;Tommasi, A.;Klebesz, R.;Garrido, C. J.;Szabo, C.

Multiple Metasomatism beneath the Nógrád¿Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin) Revealed by Upper Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths

2017 Journal of Petrology Volume: Initial page: 1107 End page: 1144
Authors: Liptai, N.;Patkó, L.;Kovács, I.J.;Hidas, K.;Pintér, Z.;Jeffries, T.;Zajacz, Z.;O'Reilly, S.Y.;Griffin, W.L.;Pearson, N.J.;Szabó, C.

Neoproterozoic granitoids in the basement of the Moroccan Central Meseta: Correlation with the Anti-Atlas at the NW paleo-margin of Gondwana

2017 Precambrian Research Volume: Initial page: 34 End page: 57
Authors: Ouabid, M.;Ouali, H.;Garrido, C.J.;Acosta-Vigil, A.;Román-Alpiste, M.J.;Dautria, J.M.;Marchesi, C.;Hidas, K.

3-D microstructure of olivine in complex geological materials reconstructed by correlative X-ray μ-CT and EBSD analyses

2017 Journal of Microscopy Volume: Initial page: 193 End page: 207
Authors: Kahl, W.A.;Dilissen, N.;Hidas, K.;Garrido, C.J.;LÓpez-SÁnchez-VizcaÍno, V.;RomÁn-Alpiste, M.

Flow in the western Mediterranean shallow mantle: Insights from xenoliths in Pliocene alkali basalts from SE Iberia (eastern Betics, Spain)

2016 Tectonics Volume: Initial page: 2657 End page: 2676
Authors: Hidas, K.;Konc, Z.;Garrido, C.J.;Tommasi, A.;Vauchez, A.;Padrón-Navarta, J.A.;Marchesi, C.;Booth-Rea, G.;Acosta-Vigil, A.;Szabó, C.;Varas-Reus, M.I.;Gervilla, F.

Refertilization processes in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle: The record of the Beni Bousera orogenic peridotite (Rif Belt, Northern Morocco)

2016 Journal of Petrology Volume: Initial page: 2251 End page: 2270
Authors: Varas-Reus, M.I.;Garrido, C.J.;Marchesi, C.;Bodinier, J.L.;Frets, E.;Bosch, D.;Tommasi, A.;Hidas, K.;Targuisti, K.

Fluid-assisted strain localization in the shallow subcontinental lithospheric mantle

2016 Lithos Volume: Initial page: 636 End page: 650
Authors: Hidas, K.;Tommasi, A.;Garrido, C.J.;Padrón-Navarta, J.A.;Mainprice, D.;Vauchez, A.;Barou, F.;Marchesi, C.

Geochemical record of subduction initiation in the sub-arc mantle: Insights from the Loma Caribe peridotite (Dominican Republic)

2016 Lithos Volume: Initial page: 1 End page: 15
Authors: Marchesi, C.;Garrido, C.J.;Proenza, J.A.;Hidas, K.;Varas-Reus, M.I.;Butjosa, L.;Lewis, J.F.

Hyperextension of continental to oceanic-like lithosphere: The record of late gabbros in the shallow subcontinental lithospheric mantle of the westernmost Mediterranean

2015 Tectonophysics Volume: Initial page: 65 End page: 79
Authors: Hidas, K.;Varas-Reus, M.I.;Garrido, C.J.;Marchesi, C.;Acosta-Vigil, A.;Padrón-Navarta, J.A.;Targuisti, K.;Konc, Z.

Fractionation of highly siderophile elements in refertilized mantle: Implications for the Os isotope composition of basalts

2014 Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters Volume: Initial page: 33 End page: 44
Authors: Marchesi, C.;Dale, C.W.;Garrido, C.J.;Pearson, D.G.;Bosch, D.;Bodinier, J.-L.;Gervilla, F.;Hidas, K.

Mantle refertilization by melts of crustal-derived garnet pyroxenite: Evidence from the Ronda peridotite massif, southern Spain

2013 Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters Volume: Initial page: 66 End page: 75
Authors: Marchesi, C.;Garrido, C.J.;Bosch, D.;Bodinier, J.-L.;Gervilla, F.;Hidas, K.

Platinum-group elements, S, Se and Cu in highly depleted abyssal peridotites from the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Ridge (ODP Hole 1274A): Influence of hydrothermal and magmatic processes

2013 Contributions of Mineralogy and Petrology Volume: Initial page: 1521 End page: 1538
Authors: Marchesi, C.;Garrido, C.J.;Harvey, J.;González-Jiménez, J.M.;Hidas, K.;Lorand, J.-P.;Gervilla, F.

Strain Localization in Pyroxenite by Reaction-Enhanced Softening in the Shallow Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle

2013 Journal of Petrology Volume: Initial page: 1997 End page: 2031
Authors: Hidas, K;Garrido, CJ;Tommasi, A;Padron-Navarta, JA;Thielmann, M;Konc, Z;Frets, E;Marchesi, C

Backarc basin inversion and subcontinental mantle emplacement in the crust: Kilometre-scale folding and shearing at the base of the proto-alborán lithospheric mantle (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain)

2013 Journal of the Geological Society Volume: Initial page: 47 End page: 55
Authors: Hidas, K.;Booth-Rea, G.;Garrido, C.J.;Martínez-Martínez, J.M.;Padrón-Navarta, J.A.;Konc, Z.;Giaconia, F.;Frets, E.;Marchesi, C.

Transfer of Os isotopic signatures from peridotite to chromitite in the subcontinental mantle: Insights from in situ analysis of platinum-group and base-metal minerals (Ojén peridotite massif, southern Spain)

2013 Lithos Volume: Initial page: 74 End page: 85
Authors: González-Jiménez, J.M.;Marchesi, C.;Griffin, W.L.;Gutiérrez-Narbona, R.;Lorand, J.-P.;O'Reilly, S.Y.;Garrido, C.J.;Gervilla, F.;Pearson, N.J.;Hidas, K.

The role of CO 2-rich fluids in trace element transport and metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Central Pannonian Basin, Hungary, based on fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths

2012 Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters Volume: Initial page: 8 End page: 20
Authors: Berkesi, M.;Guzmics, T.;Szabó, C.;Dubessy, J.;Bodnar, R.J.;Hidas, K.;Ratter, K.

Structure and composition of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Sangilen Plateau (Tuva, southern Siberia, Russia): Evidence from lamprophyre-hosted spinel peridotite xenoliths

2012 Lithos Volume: Initial page: 253 End page: 263
Authors: Konc, Z.;Marchesi, C.;Hidas, K.;Garrido, C.J.;Szabó, C.;Sharygin, V.V.

A late oligocene suprasubduction setting in the westernmost mediterranean revealed by intrusive pyroxenite dikes in the Ronda peridotite (Southern Spain)

2012 Journal of Geology Volume: Initial page: 237 End page: 247
Authors: Marchesi, C. ; Garrido, C.J. ; Bosch, D. ; Bodinier, J.-L. ; Hidas, K. ; Padrón-Navarta, J.A. ; Gervilla, F.

Seismic anisotropy and deformation patterns in upper mantle xenoliths from the central Carpathian-Pannonian region: Asthenospheric flow as a driving force for Cenozoic extension and extrusion?

2012 Tectonophysics Volume: Initial page: 168 End page: 179
Authors: Kovács, I. ; Falus, G. ; Stuart, G. ; Hidas, K. ; Szabó, C. ; Flower, M.F.J. ; Hegedus, E. ; Posgay, K. ; Zilahi-Sebess, L.

Garnet lherzolite and garnet-spinel mylonite in the Ronda peridotite: Vestiges of Oligocene backarc mantle lithospheric extension in the western Mediterranean

2011 Geology Volume: Initial page: 927 End page: 930
Authors: Garrido, CJ;Gueydan, F;Booth-Rea, G;Precigout, J;Hidas, K;Padron-Navarta, JA;Marchesi, C

Relation between mantle shear zone deformation and metasomatism in spinel peridotite xenoliths of Jeju Island (South Korea): Evidence from olivine CPO and trace elements

2010 Journal of Geodynamics Volume: Initial page: 424 End page: 440
Authors: Kyounghee Yang;Károly Hidas;György Falus;Csaba Szabó;Bokhyun Nam;István Kovács;Bong Hwang

Coexisting silicate melt inclusions and H2O-bearing, CO2-rich fluid inclusions in mantle peridotite xenoliths from the Carpathian-Pannonian region (central Hungary)

2010 CHEMICAL GEOLOGY Volume: Initial page: 1 End page: 18
Authors: Károly Hidas;Tibor Guzmics;Csaba Szabó;István Kovács;Robert J. Bodnar;Zoltán Zajacz;Zsuzsanna Nédli;Lisa Vaccari;Andrea Perucchi

Detection of small amounts of H2O in CO2-rich fluid inclusions using Raman spectroscopy

2009 Journal of Raman Spectroscopy Volume: Initial page: 1461 End page: 1463
Authors: Márta Berkesi;Károly Hidas;Tibor Guzmics;Jean Dubessy;Robert J. Bodnar;Csaba Szabó;Balázs Vajna;Toshiaki Tsunogae

Melt¿wall rock interaction in the mantle shown by silicate melt inclusions in peridotite xenoliths from the central Pannonian Basin (western Hungary)

2009 Island Arc Volume: Initial page: 375 End page: 400
Authors: Csaba Szabó;Károly Hidas;Enikö Bali;Zoltán Zajacz;István Kovács;Kyounghee Yang;Tibor Guzmics;Kálmán Török

Fluid induced incipient melting in mantle xenoliths from the Minusinsk Region (Siberia, Russia) and some implications for the subcontinental lithospheric mantle

2007 GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA Volume: Initial page: 211 End page: 228
Authors: István Kovács;Károly Hidas;Jörg Hermann;Victor Sharygin;Csaba Szabó;Theodoros Ntaflos

Remnants of boninitic melts in the upper mantle beneath the central Pannonian Basin?

2007 Mineralogy and Petrology Volume: Initial page: 51 End page: 72
Authors: Enikö Bali;György Falus;Csaba Szabó;David W. Peate;Károly Hidas;Kálmán Török;Theodoros Ntaflos

Geodynamic implications of flattened tabular equigranular textured peridotites from the Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (Western Hungary)

2007 Journal of Geodynamics Volume: Initial page: 484 End page: 503
Authors: Károly Hidas;György Falus;Csaba Szabó;Péter János Szabó;István Kovács;Tamás Földes

ISBN: 978-3-030-11294-3
Editorial: -
Book: The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach. Volume 3: The Alpine Cycle
Initial page: 519 | End page: 544
Authors: María Teresa Gómez-Pugnaire;Fernando Nieto;Isabel Abad;Nicolás Velilla;Carlos J. Garrido;Antonio Acosta-Vigil;Amel Barich;Károly Hidas;Vicente López Sánchez-Vizcaíno