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Applied Combustion

The research activities of the group address a notably broad range of challenging topics of scientific and technological nature in the field of combustion, by means of theoretical, numerical and experimental methods. An important asset of the group is the complete set of experimental facilities available, several of them unique in Spain, which were designed to study problems of widely different nature and scales: combustion of gaseous, liquid and solid fuels; characterisation and control of pollutant formation; efficient and clean utilisation of alternative fuels, biomass and residues; applications ranging from small domestic appliances to large burners for energy generation, etc…
Main specialization
Disciplina ERC:
  • PE8 Products and Processes Engineering
Industrial Leadership:
  • 5. Advanced Manufacturing and Processing
  • 5.3. Sustainable and low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive process industries
Societal Challenges:
  • 3. Secure, clean and efficient energy
  • 3.1. Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint through smart and sustainable usage