Mostrando resultados 46571 - 46580 de 49373.

Search results

Miembros del Grupo a 27.1.22: F.Xavier Gomis-Rüth (IP; Profesor de Investigación CSIC) Tibisay Guevera Puig (Gestora de Laboratorio; Funcionaria)…
The development of crystallographic methods for the solution of macromolecular structures and their application on projects of medical, biological or…
The goal of our group is to understand the structural basis of disorders associated with alterations of mitochondrial DNA regulatory proteins.…
El objetivo de nuestro grupo es comprender las bases estructurales de los trastornos asociados con las alteraciones de las proteínas reguladoras del…
Chromatin regulation of human and viral gene expression
Chromatin regulation of human and viral gene expression
The study of the molecular basis of chromatin function, their regulation during cell cycle and development, and their alteration in human pathologies…
We are interested in factors and mechanisms involved in the formation and maintenance of chromatin domains and their implication in cell…
NANOMOL is a large and interdisciplinary research group with a wide expertise and recognized excellence in the synthesis, processing,…