Mostrando resultados 211 - 220 de 312.

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Un equipo del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ha participado en el desarrollo de un nanodispositivo inteligente que sienta las…
El Instituto de Neurociencias (IN), centro mixto del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y la Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH)…
Study of dietary lipid components that can improve health and prevent diseases. - Characterization of fatty foods (special attention to olive and…
To know the relationship between the central nervous system and the immune system, characterizing the connection between infectious diseases and…
The Neurobiology Unit investigates molecular mechanisms of neuronal death with the aim of identifying targets for therapeutic intervention in…
Seis investigadores del CSIC expertos en inteligencia artificial, robótica, arqueología, recursos geológicos y microelectrónica abordan el futuro de…
We are interested in the development of diagnostic strategies and neuroprotective drugs applicable to pathologies associated to the overactivation of…