Recursos Naturales

Centros e institutos
Grupos de investigación
Unidades de servicio
Proyectos en ejecución
Un total de 33 institutos trabajan en este área
Un total de 339 grupos de investigación trabajan en este área
Grupo Descripción
Physico-biological interactions in the ocean The objective of the Research Group on Physical-Biological Interactions in the Ocean (InFiBiO) is to
Interacciones físico-biológicas en el océano
GeoEnergy The Geoenergy group is engaged in the creation of geological and technological knowledge related to

El grupo de Geoenergía trabaja en la creación de conocimiento geológico y tecnológico de fuentes

Marine Geology Resources and Extreme Environments The Marine Geology Resources and Extreme Environments Research Group at IGME has a broad experience
Geología Aplicada a los Recursos Marinos y de Medios Extremos (GI-GEOMAR)

El GI de Geología de los Recursos Marinos y de Medios Extremos del IGME cuenta con una amplia exp

Paleontology of terrestrial and marine ecosystems: responses to biotic and environmental crises during the Phanerozoic The research focuses on fossils, reconstruction of past environments and diversification/extinction
Paleontología de ecosistemas terrestres y marinos: respuestas a las crisis bióticas y ambientales del Fanerozoico

La investigación que desarrollamos se centra en el estudio de fósiles, reconstrucción de ambiente

Sedimentary record of climate changes (SERCC) RESCLIM focuses on the imprint that past climate changes have had on the characteristics and propert
Registro sedimentario de cambios climáticos (RESCLIM)

RESCLIM investiga la impronta dejada en el registro sedimentario por los cambios climáticos acaec

Un total de 2911 proyectos pertenecen a este área
Proyecto Instituto
Improving monitoring and environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals, antimicrobial resistance and pathogens from terrestrial to aquatic environments INSTITUTO DE DIAGNOSTICO AMBIENTAL Y ESTUDIOS DEL AGUA
RESponsible research and innovation grounding practices in BIOSciencies INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS DEL MAR
Improving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable
use of the Oceans
Mud volcanism and turbidites occurrence as joint tools to identify paleoearthquakes in the Gulf
of Cadiz and adjacent abyssal plains
RESponsible research and innovation grounding practices in BIOSciencies INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS DEL MAR
RESponsible research and innovation grounding practices in BIOSciencies INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS DEL MAR
Deep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic: an integrated approach
towards their preservation and sustainable exploitation
: Responsive Results-Based Management and capacity building for EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement- and international waters INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS MARINAS DE ANDALUCIA
An alliance of European marine research infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities. INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS DEL MAR
An alliance of European marine research infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities. INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS DEL MAR

Mapa con los institutos del Área de Rec.Naturales