imagen por defecto

ISBN: 978-1-60692-772-4
Editorial: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Libros: Aquatic Ecosystem Research Trends
Pagina Inicial: 165 | Pagina Final: 186
Autores: Jesús D. Ortiz;M. Angeles Puig;Eugènia Martí;Francesc Sabater;Gora Merseburger

ISBN: 978-84-8458-260-1
Editorial: Universitat de Girona
Libros: Gestió i tractament d'aigües residuals
Pagina Inicial: 10 | Pagina Final: 14
Autores: Puig, M.A.;Martí, Eugènia

ISBN: 978-84-8458-260-1
Editorial: Universitat de Girona
Libros: Gestió i tractament d'aigües residuals
Pagina Inicial: 300 | Pagina Final: 395
Autores: Jordi Catalan;Eugènia Martí;Ma Àngels Puig;Marc Ventura;Dani Boix;Stephanie Gascón;Jordi Sala;Sergi Sabater;Xavier Quintana;Maria Deocón;Montserrat Folch;Esther Huertas;Miquel Salgot;Antonina Torrens; all

Editorial: Generalitat de Catalunya
Libros: Segones Jornades Técniques de Gestió d'Estacions Depuradores d'Aigües residual
Pagina Inicial: 309 | Pagina Final: 320
Autores: Joan Lluís Riera;Francesc Sabater;Eugènia Martí;Joaquim Comas;Lluís Godé;Alba Argerich;Àngels Puig;Gervasi Benito;Esther Llorens

ISBN: 3-937758-30-5
Editorial: European Water Association
Libros: Conference Nutrient Management - European Experiences and Perspectives
Pagina Inicial: 159 | Pagina Final: 182
Autores: E. Llorens;J. Comas;M. Poch;E. Martí;M. A. Puig;J. L. Riera;F. Sabater;D. Pargament;M. Push;M. Venohr;P. Vervier

ISBN: 88-900787-0-7
Editorial: iEMS
Libros: Integrated Assessment and Decision Support. Proceedings of the First Biennal Meeting of the International Environmental Modeling and Software Society
Pagina Inicial: 444 | Pagina Final: 449
Autores: J. Comas;E. Llorens;M. Poch;G. Markakis;T. Battin;S. Gafny;E. Martí;M. Morais;M.A. Puig;M. Pusch;J.L. Riera;F. Sabater;A.G. Solimini;P. Vervier

On quantifiying the value of streams purification service

2014-12-08T01:00:00.000+01:00 ACES (A Community on Ecosystem Services Linking Science, Practice and Decision Making)
Autores: Gerino M.;Yao J.M.;Solimini A.G.;Battin T.J.;Gafny S.;Morais M.;Puig M.A.;Martí E.;Pusch M.;Voreadou C.;Sabater F.;Julien F.;Sachez Perez J.M.;Sauvage S.;P. all

Canopy cover influence on water temperature and macroinvertebrate communities in Mediterranean streams.

2012-07-02T02:00:00.000+02:00 XVIth Congress of the Iberian Society of Limnology.
Autores: Romero, C.;Serra, A.;Puig, M. A.;Martí, E.


Effect of an experimentally induced drought in a permanent stream ecosystem on the macroinvertebrate community

2012-07-02T02:00:00.000+02:00 XVIth Congress of the Iberian Society of Limnology.
Autores: Puig, M. A.;Romero, C.;Martín, E.;Serra, A.;Sabater, F.;Martí, E.


Influence of riparian canopy cover on stream water temperature and benthic macroinvertebare communities

2011-06-27T02:00:00.000+02:00 7th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences
Autores: Romero, C.;Serra, A.;Martí, E.;Puig, M. A.


Influence of riparian canopy cover on stream water temperature and benthic macroinvertebrate communities.

2011-06-27T02:00:00.000+02:00 7th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences
Autores: Romero, C.;Serra, A.;Martí, E.;Puig, M. A.


Results from the shading experiment (WP2) in Spanish sites.

2011-04-04T02:00:00.000+02:00 REFRESH anual meeting
Autores: Romero, C.;Serra, A.;Martí, E.;Sabater F.;Puig, M. A.


Detection of effects of nutrients on the invertebrate community of several european streams using various approaches to statistical analyses and interpretation.

2005-06-19T02:00:00.000+02:00 ASLO Summer Meeting.
Autores: Voreadou, C.;Madi, K.;Markakis, G.;Batín, T. J.;Gafny, S.;Martí, E.;Morais, M.;Puig, M. A.;Pusch, M.;Sabater, F.


How do point sources affect simple community stracture parameters of stream macroinvertebrates?.

2005-06-19T02:00:00.000+02:00 ASLO Summer Meeting.
Autores: Gafny, S.;Solimini, A.;Gerino, M.;Martí, E.;Battin, T. J.;Morais, M.;Pusch, M.;Puig, M. A.;Sabater, F.;Voreadou, C.


Developing an Environmental Decision Support System for Stream Management: the STREAMES Experience.

2005-05-22T02:00:00.000+02:00 53rd meeting of the North American Benthological Society.
Autores: Riera, J. L.;Argerich, A.;Comas, J.;Llorens, E.;Martí, E.;Gode, L.;Pargament, D.;Puig, M. A.;Sabater, F.


Invertebrate assemblage as long term nutrient storage zone in streams impacted by waste water treatment plants.

2004-08-08T02:00:00.000+02:00 XXIX Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology
Autores: Solimini, A. G.;Battin, T. J.;Martí, E.;Gafny, S.;Gerino, M.;Morais, M.;Puig, M. A.;Push, M.;Ruggiero, A.;Singer, G.;Voreadou, C.;Sabater, F.


STREAMES: an EDSS for stream management with emphasis on ecosystem functionality at reach scale.

2004-07-05T02:00:00.000+02:00 IV Congreso Ibérico de Limnologia y XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Limnologia
Autores: Sabater, F.;Comas, J.;Martí, E.;Puig, M.A.;Riera, J. L.;Battin, T.;Gafny, S.;Morais, M.;Pusch, M.;Solimini, A.;Vervier, P.;Voreadou, C.


Are invertebrate communities transient storage site of C, N and P in urban streams impacted by waste water treatment plants?

2003-07-03T02:00:00.000+02:00 3rd Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS3)
Autores: Solimini, A. G.;Martí, E.;Battin, T.;Gafny, S.;Gerino, M.;Morais, M.;Puig, M. A.;Push, M.;Ruggiero, A.;Singer, G.;Voreadou, C.;Sabater, F.


The development of the Environmental Decision Support System in the STREAMES project: the logic of decision trees in the management of Mediterranean streams

2003-03-24T01:00:00.000+01:00 European Conference on Coastal Zone Research: an ELOISE Approach
Autores: Comas, J.;Llorens, E.;Sabater, F.;Martí, E.;Riera, J. Ll.;Poch, M.;Puig, M. A.;Godé, Ll.;Battin, T.;Voreadou, C.;Markakis, G.;Manganas, T.;Carchini, G.;Solimini;A.;Signoretti, D.;Terenzi, A.; all


STREAMES, a multidisciplinary project to develop an Expert System for stream management in human-altered streams: current status of research activities.

2002-11-26T01:00:00.000+01:00 Science in support of European Water Policies, sustainability of aquatic ecosystem (Aquaeco), International Conference
Autores: Sabater, F.;Martí, E.;Voreadou, C.;Vervier, P.;Solimini, A. G.;R-Roda, I.;Riera, J. L.;Pusch, M.;Puig, M. A.;Morais, M.;Gafny, S.;Comas, Q.;Battin, T.


The STREAMES project: linking heuristic and empirical information into an Expert System to assess stream managers.

2002-06-27T02:00:00.000+02:00 IEMSS integrated Assessment and Decission Support meeting.
Autores: Comas, J.;Llorens, E.;Battin, T.;Gafny, S.;Markakis, G.;Martí, E.;Morais, M.;Puig, M. A.;Pusch, M.;Riera, J. L.;Sabater, F.;Solimini, A. G.;Vervier, P.


Knowledge Acquisition in the STREAMES Project: The Key Process in the Expert System Development.

2002-06-23T02:00:00.000+02:00 3rd ECAI Workshop on Binding Environmental Sciences and Artificial Intelligence (BESAI).
Autores: Comas, J.;Llorens, E.;Martí, E.;Puig, M. A.;Riera, J. L.;Sabater, F.;Poch, M.


Effects of a wastewater treatment plant inputs on the metabolism of a Mediterranean stream.

2002-05-15T02:00:00.000+02:00 50th Meeting of the North American Benthological Society.
Autores: Canals, G.;Martí, E.;Sabater, F.;Ortiz, J.;Puig, M. A.


STREAMES, a multidisciplinary project to develop an Expert System for stream management in human-altered streams.

2001-09-05T02:00:00.000+02:00 4th ELOISE Open Science Meeting
Autores: Sabater, F.;Martí, E.;Voreadou, C.;Vervier, P.;Solimini, A.;R-Roda, I.;Riera, J. L.;Pusch, M.;Puig, M. A.;Morais, M.;Gafny, S.;Comas, Q.;Batín, T.


Nutrient dynamics in human-altered streams, a multidisciplinary approach.

2001-06-08T02:00:00.000+02:00 49th Meeting of the North American Benthological Society.
Autores: Martí, E.;Sabater, F.;Comas, J.;Battin, T.;Gafny, S.;Morais, M.;Puig, M. A.;Pusch, M.;Riera, J. L.;R-Roda, I.;Solimini, A. G.;Vervier, P.;Voreadou, C.


Control de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados fluviales por las cianobacterias bentónicas.

2000-06-12T02:00:00.000+02:00 II congreso Ibérico de Limnología y X congreso de la Asociación Española de Limnología
Autores: Puig, M.A.;Aboal, M.;Mateo, P.;Perona, E.;Martí, E.


Variabilidad morfológica de Rivulariaceas (Cianofitos) en diferentes condiciones de cultivo.

1999-09-12T02:00:00.000+02:00 XII Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica.
Autores: Mateo, P.;Perona, E.;Aboal, M.;Martí, E.;Puig, M. A.
