Introducing the world register of introduced marine species (WRiMS)
Animals, protists and bacteria share marine biogeographic patterns
Contemporary climate change hinders hybrid performance of ecologically dominant marine invertebrates
Phylogeography and the Description of Geographic Patterns in Invasion Genomics
Working Group on Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms (WGITMO)
Genetic signatures of natural selection in a model invasive ascidian
Global meta¿analysis of native and nonindigenous trophic traits in aquatic ecosystems
Marine invasion genetics: from spatio-temporal patterns to evolutionary outcomes
Applications of next generation sequencing to the study of biological invasions
Corridors for aliens but not for natives: Effects of marine urban sprawl at a regional scale
Mechanisms of biotic resistance across complex life cycles
Range expansions across ecoregions: Interactions of climate change, physiology and genetic diversity
Tracking invasion histories in the sea: Facing complex scenarios using multilocus data
Ascidian introductions through the Suez Canal: The case study of an Indo-Pacific species
The magnitude of global marine species diversity
Revealing the scale of marine bioinvasions in developing regions: a South African re-assessment
Long-term coexistence of non-indigenous species in aquaculture facilities
Larval settlement behaviour in six gregarious ascidians in relation to adult distribution
Introduced and cryptogenic marine and estuarine species of South Africa
Propagule size effects across multiple life-history stages in a marine invertebrate
Are marine protected areas useful for the recovery of the Mediterranean mussel populations?
Spread of Microcosmus squamiger (Ascidiacea: Pyuridae) in the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent waters.
Marine alien species of South Africa ¿ status and impacts
Human harvesting of Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819, on the central coast of Portugal
Corridors for aliens but not for natives: filtering effects of marine urban sprawl at a regional scale
A threat around the corner? Assessing the invasive potential and biogeographic boundaries of an introduced ascidian
Crossing the thin line between introduced and invasive species: factors shaping the distribution and invasive potential of the solitary ascidian Styela plicata
Discontinuidades genéticas y geográficas
Distribution, phylogeography and population structure of the introduced ascidian Microcosmus squamiger in the Atlanto-Mediterranean region