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Olive pomace oil improves the oxidative stability and nutritional value of oil-based cakes with anise essence, a traditional confectionery product in Spain

2023 LWT - Food Science and Tecnology Volume: Pagina Inicial: - Pagina Final: -
Autores: Velasco, J.;García-González, A.;Zamora, R.;Hidalgo, F. J.;Ruiz-Méndez, M. V.

High oleic castor as a new source of biodiesel 2G

2023 Industrial Crops and Products Volume: Pagina Inicial: - Pagina Final: -
Autores: M. Venegas-Calerón;R. Garcés;E. Martínez-Force;M.V. Ruiz-Méndez;L. Velasco;V. Domínguez-Barroso;C. Herrera;L.J. Alemany;J.J. Salas

Quality and Nutritional Changes of Traditional Cupcakes in the Processing and Storage as a Result of Sunflower Oil Replacements with Refined Olive Pomace Oil.

2023 Foods Volume: Pagina Inicial: 2125 Pagina Final: -
Autores: Velasco, J.;García-González, A.;Zamora, R.;Hidalgo, F. J.;Ruiz-Méndez, M. V.

Virgin Olive Oil Ranks First in a New Nutritional Quality Score Due to Its Compositional Profile

2023 Nutrients Volume: Pagina Inicial: - Pagina Final: -
Autores: A. García-González;A. Quintero-Flórez;M.V. Ruiz-Méndez;J.S. Perona

Application of Pulsed Electric Fields to Pilot and Industrial Scale Virgin Olive Oil Extraction: Impact on Organoleptic and Functional Quality

2022 Foods Volume: Pagina Inicial: - Pagina Final: -
Autores: Alberto Navarro;María-Victoria Ruiz-Méndez;Carlos Sanz;Melchor Martínez;Duarte Rego;Ana G. Pérez

Potential valorization of waste cooking oils into sustainable bio-lubricants

2022 INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS Volume: Pagina Inicial: - Pagina Final: -
Autores: S.D.Fernández-Silva;M.A.Delgado;M.V.Ruiz-Méndez;I.Giráldez;M.García-Morales

Performance of Olive-Pomace Oils in Discontinuous and Continuous Frying. Comparative Behavior with Sunflower Oils and High-Oleic Sunflower Oils

2021 Foods Volume: Pagina Inicial: - Pagina Final: -
Autores: Holgado, F.;Ruiz-Méndez, M.V.;Velasco, J.;Márquez-Ruiz, G.

Chemical Changes of Hydroperoxy-, Epoxy-, Keto- and Hydroxy-Model Lipids under Simulated Gastric Conditions

2021 Foods Volume: Pagina Inicial: 2035 Pagina Final: -
Autores: Gloria Márquez-Ruiz;Francisca Holgado;M.Victoria Ruiz-Méndez;Joaquín Velasco

Attempts of Physical Refining of Sterol-Rich Sunflower Press Oil to Obtain Minimally Processed Edible Oil

2021 Foods Volume: Pagina Inicial: 1901 Pagina Final: -
Autores: Aída García-González;Joaquín Velasco;Leonardo Velasco;M. Victoria Ruiz-Méndez

Characterization of press and solvent extraction oils from new sunflower seeds with modified phytosterol compositions

2021 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume: Pagina Inicial: 101 Pagina Final: 109
Autores: García-González, A.;Velasco, J.;Velasco, L.;Ruiz-Méndez, M.V.

Stability of Bioactive Compounds in Olive-Pomace Oil at Frying Temperature and Incorporation into Fried Foods

2021 Foods Volume: Pagina Inicial: - Pagina Final: -
Autores: María-Victoria Ruiz-Méndez;Gloria Márquez-Ruiz;Francisca Holgado;Joaquín Velasco

Influence of oil droplet size on the oxidative stability of the free and encapsulated fractions of freeze-dried microencapsulated sunflower oil

2020 International Journal of Food Science and Technology Volume: Pagina Inicial: 833 Pagina Final: 840
Autores: Holgado, F.;Márquez-Ruiz, G.;Victoria Ruiz-Méndez, M.;Velasco, J.

Effects of the drying method on the oxidative stability of the free and encapsulated fractions of microencapsulated sunflower oil

2019 International Journal of Food Science and Technology Volume: Pagina Inicial: 2520 Pagina Final: 2528
Autores: Holgado, F.;Márquez-Ruiz, G.;Ruiz-Méndez, M.V.;Velasco, J.

Utilization of pressurized CO 2 , pressurized ethanol and CO 2 -expanded ethanol mixtures for de-oiling spent bleaching earths

2019 Journal of Supercritical Fluids Volume: Pagina Inicial: 42 Pagina Final: 53
Autores: Subra-Paternault, P.;Harscoat-Schiavo, C.;Savoire, R.;Brun, M.;Velasco, J.;Ruiz-Mendez, V.